Are you Utilising your Community Services?? Image

Are you utilising your community services??

Whether you are young or old, looking for something fun or interesting to do, your local community has so many benefits and opportunities available to you. Why not check out these community services that may be available what a positive impact your community can have for you. You might be surprised!



Whether you are a reader, a seeker of knowledge, or even a researcher you will love your local library. Offering more than just books, local libraries offer programs and events for everyone. This can include digital literacy programs, opportunities to learn other new skills with everything from environmental to gardening to business skills, author talks, book clubs and even children story time.

Libraries also offer quiet spaces for study or work and you can use their facilities, such as computers, Wi-Fi, photocopiers and printers. Some libraries even offer rooms for hire, providing community groups a space to meet.

Parks and playgrounds

Councils provide and maintain all the parks in your local area. Many councils have local wetlands, bike/skate parks, playgrounds, parks with bbq and seating and much more. Look out for walking trails in your area, places for social gatherings or parks to take the younger people in your lives. Some parks may even offer flora and fauna guided tours, which is a great activity to take part in.

Sports and recreation

There are plenty of programs, sports centres and facilities for people of all ages in your local area. Whether you’re in search of swimming lessons, fitness classes or social sporting events, local communities will have it all.

A community space where clubs meet, space and services are offered to the community, everything from quilters and artist groups to U3A (University of the Third Age).


Some councils run programs to promote sustainable living, such as community gardens and composting and native garden workshops. Community gardens are very popular in some communities, as they offer space, learning and social interaction all based around gardening. Some councils may also offer recycling services, native plants, and information on making your home more environmentally friendly with resources and workshops.

Health and wellbeing community services

Councils provide services and resources to encourage all ages to support their own health and wellbeing. This can include venues for local clubs, like Men’s Sheds, fitness and training programs/classes and healthy living information. Not only supporting healthy living through physical activity but also through making and maintaining social connections, for seniors and all ages.

Aged care community services

Many local councils provide services that are available due to funding from state or federal governments. These can include aged care services such as:

In-home support – ironing, housework, and shopping

General home maintenance – light bulb replacement, cleaning exhaust fans, gutters or windows, home modifications – installing grab rails and ramps

Basic garden maintenance

Transport to medical appointments

Bus transfers to shopping centres

Social programs like exercise classes.

And many more positive ageing and inclusion services and activities.

Community arts and culture

Local councils help bring arts and culture to the community. This may be through beautiful murals by local artists, film or music competitions to inspire budding directors and musicians or local markets and festivals. If you are an artist, contact your local council to see what they do to support arts and culture and maybe you can get involved.

Community events

Councils also play an important role in creating a vibrant community by organising events and activities. From local markets and outdoor movies to school holiday programs and food festivals, there’s so much to discover.

Heritage and historical services

There may even be heritage services in your local community. Offering free use of historical resources that you can research:

Archived photographs, paper records and books

Historic maps and plans

Free access to computers for heritage websites

Free ancestry website access to research your family tree.

There may even be volunteers available to assist with your enquiries.

Repair cafes

A newer initiative in some communities is the services of a repair cafe. Take your old broken items, everything from clothing to furniture to electrical items, for repair. There will be tools and materials to help you repair things yourself or maybe some helping hands available to help you with repairs.

Youth community services

Many councils offer a range of programs, activities and resources, that aim to help young people grow and thrive. This can include school holiday activities or coordinating youth theatre groups, art or music classes and craft workshops.

Some councils also offer competitions for youth writing, music and more. Anything to get the youth involved in their local community, learn something new and have fun!


For more details about the diverse range of services and support available in your local community, contact your local council by visiting their website or calling them directly.


Your local community services may include: 

  • Positive aging and inclusion services
  • Community garden
  • Courses / classes
  • Mentoring programs
  • Business services
  • Tech / equipment hire
  • Volunteer programs
  • Grant opportunities
  • Justice of the Peace services
  • Heritage and history services and archives
  • Community bus service
  • Digital literacy services
  • Repair cafes
  • Special interest groups and clubs
  • Community centres
  • Sports clubs
  • Graffit removal.

