Recipe Hub Image

Recipe Hub

COTA Insurance recipe hub Over the years we have included many recipes in our monthly newsletter. In this recipe hub, we have brought them all together for easy access. From special occasions, weeknight meals, seasonal recipes to healthy options, we have it all covered here! Simply click the below recipe links to take you to..Read More

Extreme weather care for your pets Image

Extreme weather care for your pets

Extreme weather care for your pets Pets are important family members, so it’s important to remember them when things around the home change, whether that be the weather heating up, extreme weather conditions or a large social gathering. Here are some tips of special care for your pet this summer.   Summer When temperatures exceed..Read More

Pet ownership benefits Image

Pet ownership benefits

Pet ownership benefits Pets not only become family members and our best friends, they are also good for our health, both physically and mentally. Pets can create opportunities to exercise, get outside and even socialize, but it doesn’t stop there, they encourage playfulness, help children grow up more secure and active and provide companionship, joy..Read More

Winter activities Image

Winter activities

Winter activities Braving the cold in winter can be a challenge for many! So, when the doom and gloom of winter hits, what activities can you do to keep you active and mentally challenged? We have some great ideas to keep you motivated and active!   Winter festivals Throughout winter you will probably find that..Read More

Winter DIY projects Image
  • Home & Contents

Winter DIY projects

Winter DIY projects In most parts of Australia, it’s cold and wet outside, so why not get stuck into a winter DIY project or two! While Indoor projects are a great way to use your time productively in winter, there are also some great things to do outdoors. Check out some of these DIY projects..Read More

The benefits of more time outdoors Image

The benefits of more time outdoors

The benefits of more time outdoors There is growing evidence that having contact with the outdoors has a positive association with good health and wellbeing. In fact, many doctors around the world are now ‘prescribing’ time outdoors as part of the solution to address chronic diseases that are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. A recent..Read More

The Best Scam Advice Image

The Best Scam Advice

The Best Scam Advice When it comes to scams, older Australians have been identified as one of the most vulnerable cohorts. For that reason, over the years as scams have been increasingly catching Australians out. Here is some of our best advice, to help make sure you are fully informed and can protect yourself.  ..Read More

Sustainable Gardening Tips Image

Sustainable Gardening Tips

Sustainable Gardening Tips Here are some great sustainable gardening tips that will improve your gardening both indoors and outdoors, while also helping the environment.   Check your soil pH You can test the pH of your soil with two household staples: baking soda and vinegar. If you add baking soda to soil and it bubbles..Read More

Essential Shingles Advice Image

Essential Shingles Advice

Essential Shingles Advice Shingles is a condition that can be both painful and debilitating, particularly for seniors. It’s caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus responsible for chickenpox. If you or a loved one are among the many older adults dealing with this ailment, understanding it and knowing what steps to take..Read More

Downsizing Toolkit Image

Downsizing Toolkit

Downsizing Toolkit Downsizing in later life can be a daunting experience, but it doesn’t have to be! Taking the time to carefully assess your needs and declutter effectively allows you to simplify your lifestyle, reduce costs and free up time for what’s important. Transitioning from a large family home into a smaller living space requires..Read More

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