Natural Ways to Boost Energy Image

Natural Ways to Boost Energy

Natural Ways to Boost Energy As we age, our energy levels may start to decrease, often leading to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness. Here are seven natural ways to boost energy, so that you can enjoy each day to the fullest.   Sleep To increase energy, make sure to prioritise sleep by setting a consistent..Read More

Fighting Stroke Together: reducing risk and recognising the signs Image

Fighting Stroke Together: reducing risk and recognising the signs

Fighting Stroke Together: Reducing risk and recognising the signs of stroke  Original article from COTA NSW Sign up to their newsletter today, click here –   In Australia, Stroke is one of the biggest killers. According to the AIHW, it kills more women than breast cancer and more men than prostate cancer [1]. In..Read More

Crossword Puzzles for Seniors Image

Crossword Puzzles for Seniors

Crossword puzzles for seniors   Check out our COTA Insurance crossword and sudoku puzzles by clicking on the image below to download your copy.     Benefits of crosswords Research has shown that completing crossword puzzles can help to improve intellectual well-being, assist in learning a new language, relieve stress and much more! Crossword puzzles..Read More

Looking After Yourself After a Loved One Dies Image

Looking After Yourself After a Loved One Dies

Looking after yourself after a loved one dies When coping after a loved one dies, it is important to remember to look after yourself. Grief can be a difficult and complex emotion to process. It’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions from sadness and anger to guilt and in certain circumstances, even relief…Read More

Sun and Skin Protection Tips this Summer Image

Sun and Skin Protection Tips this Summer

Sun and skin protection tips this summer Did you know that Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world? Every year, there are over 2,000 people that die from skin cancer in Australia. This disease is almost entirely preventable. By following these sun and skin protection tips you can easily and simply..Read More

How to Write a Eulogy: Tips and Advice Image

How to Write a Eulogy: Tips and Advice

How to Write a Eulogy Need to write a eulogy? It can be one of the most challenging tasks you may ever have to do. It’s a way to honour someone who has passed away, but also to share with others their story and the impact they had on your life and others. If you..Read More

How to Enjoy the Little Things in Life Image

How to Enjoy the Little Things in Life

How to enjoy the little things in life It’s important to enjoy life. There are many little moments that can be enjoyed, and it all starts with having the right mindset. Many may consider these enjoyable moments to be bigger things like an exciting new job or promotion, annual holidays, or a special occasion, however..Read More

Staying Connected in Retirement Image

Staying Connected in Retirement

Staying Connected in Retirement Retirement is a wonderful time to relax, enjoy life, make friends and pursue hobbies and interests that may have been put on hold during your working years. However, retirement can also be a time of loneliness and isolation, especially if you don’t take steps to stay socially connected. Social connections are..Read More

Keeping Informed on Scamming Image

Keeping Informed on Scamming

Keeping informed on scamming Need help to avoid scams? Scams are on the rise, and they are getting more sophisticated than ever before. It’s important for everyone to stay informed on the latest tactics used by scammers. To protect yourself and your hard-earned money. With the rise of technology and the internet, scammers can easily..Read More

Elder Abuse – Know the Signs Image

Elder Abuse – Know the Signs

Elder Abuse – Know the Signs World elder abuse day was June 15th, the main day in the year when the world voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted on older people. Your partner, your friend, your parent, or family member may be a victim to elder abuse, which can come in many..Read More

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