How to Write a Eulogy: Tips and Advice Image

How to Write a Eulogy

Need to write a eulogy? It can be one of the most challenging tasks you may ever have to do. It’s a way to honour someone who has passed away, but also to share with others their story and the impact they had on your life and others.

If you have been asked to write a eulogy, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Where do you start? What should you say? How will you be able to express your feelings and emotions in a way that is both respectful and meaningful? Here, we share some tips and advice on how to write a eulogy. That, will truly captures the essence of your loved one.


Start with an outline

The first step in writing a eulogy is to create an outline or a framework. This will help ensure that you cover all the important aspects of your loved one’s life and prevent you from forgetting any important details. Start by brainstorming the key points and themes that you want to cover in your eulogy. This could include their personality traits, their accomplishments, their hobbies and interests, their relationships, and any other important aspects of their life. Once you have a list of key points, organise them into a logical structure. Make sure it flows well and is easy for the audience to follow.


Use personal anecdotes

One of the best ways to make your eulogy more meaningful is to include personal anecdotes that illustrate your loved one’s character and personality. Think about the times you spent with them, the conversations you had, and the memories that stand out in your mind. Sharing these stories can help bring your loved one to life in the minds of the audience and make the eulogy more engaging and moving.

Building and Contents


Keep it short and sweet

Although it can be tempting to share every detail of your loved one’s life, it’s important to keep the eulogy succinct and focused. Ideally, your eulogy should be between 3-5 minutes long, depending on the circumstances and the audience. Stick to the key points and themes you identified in your outline. Avoid going off on tangents or dragging out the eulogy unnecessarily.


Consider the audience

As you write your eulogy, keep in mind the audience you will be speaking to. This will help you choose the appropriate tone for your speech and make it more relatable and engaging. If the audience consists mainly of family members and close friends, you may want to adopt a more personal and emotional tone. Whereas, if it is a more formal and professional event, you may want to focus more on your loved one’s professional accomplishments and legacy.



It’s important to practice and rehearse your eulogy before the actual event. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable speaking in front of an audience and ensure that you can deliver the eulogy smoothly and without interruption. Try practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself and make any necessary adjustments to your delivery or content.


Writing a eulogy can be a daunting task. However, with the right approach and mindset, it’s possible to create a moving and memorable tribute to your loved one. Remember these tips and above all, remember that a eulogy is a way to honour and celebrate a life well-lived, and to share the love and memories of your loved one with others.


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For more information, support and assistance with grief contact Grief Australia 
