The benefits of more time outdoors Image

The benefits of more time outdoors

There is growing evidence that having contact with the outdoors has a positive association with good health and wellbeing. In fact, many doctors around the world are now ‘prescribing’ time outdoors as part of the solution to address chronic diseases that are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. A recent study done by the University of NSW Sydney also found that ‘nature prescriptions can improve physical and mental health’.

The overseas research suggests that 120 minutes a week is the minimum time a doctor should prescribe their patients for them to take advantage of the many health benefits. Lucky for us, we don’t need a doctor’s prescription for time outdoors to be able to take advantage of these many health benefits associated with time in nature. However, what are these health benefits that time outdoors claims to provide?:


More efficient immune system

Time outdoors can lead to exposure to phytoncides. These are the microbes found in soil and trees that work with the body’s natural killer cells to fight infections.

Being out in nature also switches on the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, or ‘rest and digest’ mode. This is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system, or ‘fight or flight’ mode. This means that the body can then have the time to allocate resources to areas that have long-term good health outcomes, such as the immune system.


Improved air quality outside

It is well documented that exposure to pollutants and poor air quality can lead to health problems, especially in the heart and lungs. Evidence also suggests that air pollution can substantially contribute to major diseases such as lung cancer.

The air outside, even if you live in a large city, has been found to be a better air quality to that indoors. This highlights why getting outdoors is so important when it comes to limiting your exposure to air pollution.  This is even better if you can get off the beaten track. Spend time in a natural environment such as the bush, forest, or beach.

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Better sleep quality

Having exposure to natural light is the best way to prompt our body’s natural clock. Being outdoors allows your body clock to be more in sync with natures night and day, dark and light cycle. This helps counteract the impact of artificial light in our everyday life. With just a few minutes outdoors in the morning, you can resent your circadian rhythm which will help you fall asleep better at night.


Increased motivation to exercise

Exercising outdoors has been found to be more motivating than exercising indoors. This is because being outside feels more like an escape from everyday life and reduces the feeling of effort you are inputting and it’s also more enjoyable.

Overall, those who exercise outdoors have been found to feel more revitalised and have a more positive experience. Outdoor exercising also makes you feel more likely to socialise. This also helps with feeling more connected and then more likely to want to keep being active with others.

Therefore, if you’re indoor exercise program has become a struggle to stick too, then take it outdoors and see if that helps.


Easing symptoms of depression

A decrease in sun exposure has a 2-fold negative impact upon us. It can result in a drop in serotonin levels and a decrease in vitamin D levels. Low serotonin levels can lead to depression and a decrease in vitamin D levels can also have a major impact on regulating a person’s moods.

Therefore, spending more time in the sunshine and outdoors can make us happier in 2 ways. However, you need to be mindful of sunshine with minimum UV exposure. Earlier and later in the day are usually the best times for this. Please check the local weather and UV index for more information.


Increase in optimism and reduction in stress

Being immersed in the sounds, smells and sights of the forest is known by the Japanese as shinrin-yoku or ‘forest bathing’. This activity has been found to increase your feelings of ‘liveliness’ and significantly reduce stress levels. The walk is meditative and good exercise.

An equivalent Australian option for us could be a mindful bushwalk where you are undistracted and focus entirely in the moment. Which is something we could all do on a regular basis.


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