Tips to Avoid Driver Fatigue Image

Tips to avoid driver fatigue

Read these tips on avoiding driver fatigue before heading out on the roads this holiday season.

Driver fatigue is one of the top three contributors to deaths on Australian roads. In fact, research conducted for Transport NSW has shown that fatigue can be as dangerous as drink driving. But unlike drink driving, there are no laws regulating driver fatigue.1 Many people think fatigue is only a problem for long distances, however it is just as relevant for shorter trips as well. People generally don’t become fatigued from driving. Usually, they’re already tired when they get behind the wheel, either from long hours at their job, shift work, lack of sleep, sleep apnoea, or physically demanding tasks.2


Watch for the early warning signs of fatigue

Regardless of the distance you plan to travel, make sure you have had enough sleep before driving. The early warning signs of fatigue are:

  • Yawning
  • Poor concentration or daydreaming
  • Sore or heavy eyes
  • Restlessness
  • Drowsiness
  • Slow reaction times
  • Boredom or loss of motivation
  • Impaired driving performance, such as oversteering


Tips for avoiding driver fatigue

Sleeping is the best way to address fatigue. If you’re tired, make a choice not to drive, or follow these tips to prevent fatigue:2

  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Don’t travel for more than 8-10 hours each day
  • Avoid driving at night or any periods when your body is accustomed to sleep
  • Arrange to share the driving
  • Avoid long drives after work
  • Plan to take regular breaks – at least every two hours at a designated rest area
  • Don’t drink alcohol before your trip — even a small amount can significantly contribute to driver fatigue
  • Stop driving and take a 15-minute power nap if you feel drowsy
  • Find out beforehand if any medications you are taking may affect your driving
Roadside Assistance


Rest areas and driver reviver locations

Designated rest areas allow drivers and motorcyclists to park safely and walk around before continuing their journey. Service centres, petrol stations, parks, and country towns are other places you can stop and take a break from driving.1

Driver reviver sites operate during holiday periods. Look out for specially marked coffee cup signs along major highways to find out where and when they are operating.3



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  1. Fatigue | Transport for NSW
  2. Fatigue & road safety : VicRoads